

The charge will appear on your statement as THE LOHN GROUP.

Payments are processed using PayPal. A PayPal account is not required: once you access the PayPal screen, click the gray Pay with Debit or Credit Card at the bottom of the page. After processing your payment you will be returned to this site to access additional materials.

My Experience - Revealed

(12 weeks)
I authorize a single charge in the amount of $2,200.00 to be charged to my card now.

Energy & Empowerment

(8 weeks)
I authorize a single charge in the amount of $1,450.00 to be charged to my card now.

Single Spark Session

(1 session)
I authorize a single charge in the amount of $190.00 to be charged to my card now.

Alchemy Underway™

(4 sesssions)
I authorize a single charge in the amount of $688.00 to be charged to my card now.


Cancellation Policy
I understand that if I cancel with less than 24 hours’ notice before the agreed upon start time of coaching sessions, that such missed sessions will not be rescheduled.

Termination Policy
Either the Client or the Coach may terminate this agreement at any time with written notice. Program payment is non-refundable at any time unless Coach and Client both agree to a separate arrangement.