Carol’s Corner
Welcome to Carol’s Corner, a blog where I riff on some of the topics that interest me (or keep me up at night) and hopefully will be of help to you! For more, please check out my column on BizCatalyst 360°!

Breadcrumbs Not Bricks

When did I first realize that I had my own path — not my “life’s purpose” mind you — but my path?

The Gazebo

1984 was a good year for me—thankfully way different than the way George Orwell described it in his novel.

I Don’t Believe in Unicorns

I’ve always been interested in things like metaphysics, spirituality, quantum physics, energy healing and other topics that are not necessarily mainstream.

The Power of Yet

Today I was looking at my journal entries from this time last year. I was doing two types of journaling at the time

Pitfalls of a Nice Girl

Most women who consider themselves to be sensitive or empathic have one trait in common: they have been labeled as “nice girls.”

Fake Coffee, Real Friend

If you have been reading my blogs, you know that I have a best friend, Deb. What you don’t know is the story of how we met.